The Difference between Segregated Funds and Mutual Funds
Segregated Funds and Mutual Funds often have many of the same benefits such as:
- Both are managed by investment professionals.
- You can generally redeem your investments and get your current market value at any time.
- You can use them in your RRSP, RRIF, RESP, RDSP, TFSA or non-registered account.
So what’s the difference? Who offers these products?
- Segregated Funds: Life Insurance Companies
- Mutual Funds: Investment Management Firms
Why is this important?
- Since Segregated funds are offered by life insurance companies, they are individual insurance contracts. Which means….
- Maturity Guarantees
- Death Benefit Guarantees
- Ability to Bypass Probate
- Potential Creditor Protection
- Resets
- Mutual Funds do not have these features.
What are these features?
Maturity and Death Benefit Guarantees mean the insurance company must guarantee at least 75% of the premium paid into the contract for at least 10 years upon maturity or your death.
Resets means you have the ability to reset the maturity and death benefit guarantee at a higher market value of the investment.
Bypass Probate: since you name a beneficiary to receive the proceeds on your death, the proceeds are paid directly to your beneficiary which means it bypasses your estate and can avoid probate fees.
Potential Creditor Protection is available when you name a beneficiary within the family class, there are certain restrictions associated with this.
What are the fees?
- Segregated Funds: Typically higher fees (MERS)
- Mutual Funds: Typically lower fees
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